Gran Casino Madrid Colon
Posted By admin On 15/04/22
Casino Gran Madrid Colon
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Visit Casino Gran Madrid
Discover places of interest in Madrid by visiting the gaming and leisure centres of Casino Gran Madrid, one of the city’s mostpopular tourist attractions.
Gran Casino Madrid Colon
Its charm rests with offerings visitors a combined experience of entertainment and games. Casino Gran Madrid not only has traditionalcasino games, but has expanded its offers with more innovative games. Its two main centres (Torrelodones and Colón) have a combinedarea of over 12,000 m2. This has led to the creation of unique and different spaces in which all types of activities are held: shows, boxing,corporate events, celebrations, birthday parties and much more.
Gran Casino Madrid Colon Center
Casino Gran Madrid was one of the 18 pioneering casinos in Spain and the first to openits doors in the Community of Madrid (Torrelodones) in 1981. It received government approval in 2011 to operate as an online casino,becoming the country’s first legal online casino. In 2013 the second centre of operations was opened in the downtown area (Colón).Today, Casino Gran Madrid is one of the country’s most complete casinos with the highest number of visitors.