Poker Study Topics

Posted By admin On 14/04/22

Choosing from the best poker training sites online and finding what works is not an easy task. There are plenty of courses and poker training programs that you can pick – so how to choose the best option? That is a common question, and if you want to find the most efficient way to improve your results in poker, you are in the right place! Over the years, I worked with top coaches.

  1. An even more famous example is the “bat and ball” question: if a bat and a ball together cost $1.10, and the bat costs a dollar more than the ball, how much does the ball cost?Ten cents.
  2. Many people join a poker site and expect to turn their $10 into $10,000 overnight, simply by entering a $10 multi-table tournament and beating the rest of the field. While it would be wrong to say.

Poker is a fascinating game. It’s fun, exciting, mentally challenging and incredibly rewarding for those that put in the work. We’re dedicated to the study of poker and it’s our goal to help you develop the skills that are needed to be successful at this game. Having access to the wide range of training material contained within our poker school provides an excellent opportunity for anyone who wants to learn how to play poker or take their game to new heights.

Features of our poker school include:

  • Expert tuition from highly respected poker experts!
  • Poker lessons that provide clarity and understanding!
  • Video tutorials that offer in-depth analysis and advice!
  • A poker study guide to help beginners learn step–by–step!
  • Quizzes to aid learning and ensure mastery of the material!
  • Completely free to join – no-sign up fees or subscriptions required!

Foreword by Lou Krieger

“Pokerology is the most incredibly comprehensive online learning site I’ve seen in all my years in poker. And what’s more, it’s aimed squarely at beginning and intermediate players—not at professionals trying to eke out a little more know-how on their way to fame and fortune. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It’s just that you really have to walk before you can run, and run before you can fly. And if you want to jump start your poker education and raise your game, this is the place to do it.

At Pokerology, the learning never ends. And if you’re aspiring to be the very best poker player you can become, your learning should never end either. Poker is a game of knowledge, information, and judgment, and the state of the art is always changing. In fact, poker has changed so much in recent years that if we chiselled a winning 2005 poker player our of a time capsule, he’d be a pathetic loser for quite a while—until he digested all the strategic changes that have changed the game in less than a decade.

Pokerology continues to grow and expand, and as complete as the site is, it will never be completely finished. As the game changes the site will continue to change with it so that your poker education is always on point, forever on the cutting edge, and eternally up-to-date with contemporary thinking and know how.

Poker study topics 2020

Welcome to Pokerology. May your game grow, expand, and prosper, and may you keep flopping aces.”

By Lou Krieger, La Quinta, CA 2012.

Lou Krieger authored many best-selling poker books, including ‘Hold’em Excellence‘ and ’Poker for Dummies‘ and is rightly regarded as one of poker’s greatest ever teachers.

The Poker School Tour

With a strong emphasis on quality, our poker school offers a true multimedia learning experience. Let’s take a moment to explore the features of our poker school, starting with our poker lessons:

The Poker Lessons

Nearly all of our poker lessons contain video in addition to written text. We also use quizzes in many of our lessons and each of these elements is implemented onto a single page with the use of module tabs, providing greater usability and convenience.

As well-written and comprehensive as the text articles are, not everyone learns by reading. Videos also allow for deeper discussions on certain topics, particularly with the use of hand examples to effectively master the subject matter. It comes down to personal preference – we give you the choice of what works best for you, before testing your knowledge. The use of quizzes give immediate feedback, helping to aid the overall learning process.

The Study Guide

If you’re a beginner then our poker study guide is your ideal starting point. We don’t overwhelm beginners with jargon or assumption of knowledge and the study guide is written in a straightforward and accessible style. It neatly brings together the most relevant lessons, supplemental videos, and other poker school training material. The study guide will take you step-by-step and provide the structure that’s needed when first learning how to play poker.

Browse Lessons by Subject

Players with more experience can browse through all of our poker lessons, which we have grouped into categories. Beginners need structure, so should follow our study guide, but we have lots of poker lessons and too many to fit into a single poker course. The ability to browse our poker lessons by subject or topic provides greater flexibility, allowing you to study at your own pace and work on the parts of your game that need improvement.

Poker Study Topics

The Video Library

Video tutorials are a core component of our poker school. Many of our poker lessons contain video, embedded into each page. Our video library contains a growing range of additional video content, designed to supplement our poker lessons. They are typically longer than those of our video based lessons and you’ll find in-depth discussions about poker concepts, along with hand history analysis and full reviews of poker sessions, which provide a valuable learning experience.

Reference Charts

We have created several handy poker charts for aspiring poker players, such as basic poker odds and probability tables. Committing this type of information to memory can only be beneficial. We also have starting hand charts for beginners that can be used as a reference. Each of our chart loads as a PDF, meaning they be viewed on screen, bookmarked or better still, can be printed and studied offline.

Enjoy the Journey

Our poker school provides our members with a high quality, inclusive and comprehensive poker education – and best of all; it’s completely free to join. There are no sign-up fees or subscriptions required – just a willingness to learn.

Sign-up and join today!


Are you an IB student taking Mathematics Standard Level (SL)? Well brace yourself because it is considered to be one of the toughest subjects in the curriculum. The syllabus comprises of 6 topics and students are externally and internally assessed.

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The Internal Assessment (IA) in Math SL is known as Mathematical Exploration. It is a written work that requires students to investigate an area of mathematics. As per the International Baccalaureate Organization, this assignment “encourages students to take a considered approach to various mathematical activities and to explore different mathematical ideas.” Don’t make the mistake of taking it lightly because it contributes 20% of your final grade.

Poker study topics questions

Consisting of 6 to 12 pages, the report needs to be focused on a particular area of mathematics. The idea is to accurately demonstrate your knowledge through comprehensive mathematical writing, constructing logical arguments and drawing conclusions with the help of diagrams, graphs and mathematical formulae.

Here’s How You Can Ace Writing Your Math Internal Assessment

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Yes, we understand this can all be very overwhelming. Here are 4 key tips to help you write an impressive math IA.

Choose a Topic of Interest

When you choose a topic that is genuinely of interest to you, it reflects in the final outcome. The same applies to your math IA. Studying mathematical concepts is one thing but correlating it to abstract and real-world situations is another ballgame altogether.

So, when you are brainstorming topics, select one wherein you can put your mathematical skills to use to pose a solution. It should be a topic that excites you and no, this does not just mean mathematical topics such as algebra or statistics, it can also be related to basketball or any other field that can be explained using mathematical techniques.

Stick to the Criteria

Many students make the mistake of complicating matters by using complex mathematical concepts that are out of syllabus. This is never a good idea and only results in a waste of time.

The surefire way to approach this assignment is by sticking to the syllabus to demonstrate your knowledge. Keep things simple and ensure you meet the 5 criteria – Communication, Mathematical Presentation, Personal Engagement, Reflection and Use of mathematics.

Poker study topics 2020

Establish a Clear Structure

How well you structure your writing is what makes up the ‘Communication’ and ‘Mathematical Presentation’ criteria so work on a logical structure before you get down to drafting. This is the flow you can adhere to while writing your math IA.


  • Clearly highlight the objective and significance of the topic
  • Justify the choice of topic
  • Briefly mention the area of mathematics that will be explored

Body/Mathematical Exploration/Mathematical Processes

  • Describe the method of exploration
  • Share results using graphs, lists, tables, diagrams, etc.
  • Analyze the findings and form conjectures

Conclusion and Bibliography

  • Summarize the findings and relate it to the objective of exploration
  • Mention limitations, if any
  • Make real life connections and possible extensions in relation to personal experience
  • Reflect on what you have gained from this exploration
  • Cite references in the bibliography

Start Early

IB’s Math IA is not something that can be finished in a couple of hours. In order to do it full justice, you need to begin early.

There will be instances when you won’t be able to due to multiple assignments or will find yourself stuck while writing, at such times, it is best to get help with your Math IB IA paper. We at Writers Per Hour can help you deliver a professionally written and well-articulated math IA paper as per IB standards within your stipulated deadline.

20 Math Internal Assessment Topic Ideas for SL Students

Choosing the topic is usually the trickiest part which many IB students struggle with. If you are asking, “what is a good topic for a Math IA”, we can help you brainstorm. Here is a list of 20 interesting topics to help you get inspiration:

1. Pascal’s triangle patterns: Fibonacci sequence.

2. Mersenne prime: primes which are written as 2n-1.

3. Magic squares and cubes: the reason behind the working of magic squares.

4. Perfect numbers: the reasons behind a number being a perfect number.

5. Non-Euclidean geometries: Angles in a triangle do not add up to 180 degrees.

6. Soap bubbles minimal surfaces: the assumptions of soap bubbles on the minimum possible surface area.

7. Graphical understanding of complex roots: finding the complex root for a quadratic.

8. Investigations of polygons graphing: finding functions that plots a square.

9. The harmonic series: investigations of the relationship between fractions and music.

10. The reasons behind ‘e’ as the base of the natural logarithm.

11. Area optimization: optimization of areas of various polygons.

12. Black swan events: the use of mathematics in prediction of small probability high impacts events.

13. Correlation: investigating whether mathematics ability is influenced by finger length.

14. Birthday paradox: investigating the probability of two or more people sharing a birthday.

15. Infectious disease modelling: using mathematics to predict the likelihood of a disease spreading in a given area.

16. Modelling Zombies: Investigating how zombies survive.

17. Math and football: determining whether the results of a game are influenced by sacking the manager.

18. Designing a parachute: physics behind the designing of a parachute.

19. Fourier transformations.

20. Plotting planetary patterns: using log graphs to plot the patterns of planets.


Poker Study Topics Questions


Math can be extremely interesting so take this assignment in your stride and don’t get intimidated by it. By the end of it, you will be surprised to know how you would have broadened your horizons in this subject area. So, consider these tips and topic ideas as a guide for your math IA and nothing can stop you from scoring high grades.

Poker Study Topics Articles

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