Ruben Slot Triathlon

Posted By admin On 26/03/22

Over Passie voor Sport. Geen woorden maar daden. Let the legs do the talking. Junior 3Athlete on his journey. It is the coveted prize every athlete wants to go home with, and to mark 50 Days to go to the 2018 European Championships the medals to be presented to the seven sports in Glasgow and Berlin were revealed to the public for the first time.

Ruben Slot Triathlon Tournaments

SlotHello slowtwitchers!
I have no idea how this happened, other than perhaps the fastest racers in my age group didn't show up to Panama City this last weekend for the 70.3, but in placing 6th in my AG (M40-44) I've somehow received an invitation to the 2021 World Championships in St George, Utah. (!?)
I'm honored, as this is only my second year of competing in triathlon, but also wondering whether it makes sense to go given I've also already signed up for my first full distance race in Chattanooga next year - and the races are successive weekends, with St George on Sept 17-18 and Chattanooga on Sept 26. Ruben slot triathlon tournaments
TriathlonMy top triathlon goals at this point don't revolve around a World Championship slot, so I wouldn't be heartbroken if I didn't attend this year and then never progress far enough to get a slot in the future. (My finish time this year in PC for the 70.3 would have equated to 15th place based on 2019 PC 70.3 results, so I feel like I've got a long way to improve before I could reach top 2-3 in a normal year and qualify for a slot).
At the same time, I'm kind of left asking - why not do it!? The views look amazing, and part of my life pattern in general is to overdo things, so.....
In terms of the races being back to back, this year I raced the GFT 2/3 distance as my B race 2 weeks ago, mainly as an exploratory race to dial in nutrition, hydration, and pacing for Chattanooga, and still managed to hit a half-marathon PR in Panama City - so I feel like good training paired together with good race strategy and execution could make these back-to-back weekends possible next year.

Ruben Slot Triathlon Championship

FWIW the wife didn't give me an unequivocal no when I broached it tonight, and I only have 2 days to either take the slot or let it go - so what say you?
Ruben slot triathlon tournamentsTriathlon

Ruben Slot Triathlon Team


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